Hello, I’m Andrea! I am a Gene Keys Guide for Entrepreneurs and Creatives and I stand for expansion, transformation, and unique ways of creating prosperity.

Welcome to the realm of evolutionary wisdom and strategic enlightenment for leaders and entrepreneurs!

As your dedicated Gene Keys Guide, I am here to help you unlock your full potential and guide you on a transformative journey towards fulfilling your business and life vision.

With a unique blend of tapping in to ancient wisdom and applying practical brainstorming, I offer a fresh perspective to ignite your business inspiration and pave the way for pioneering growth and development.

At the core of my approach lies a deep commitment to serving as a caring listener and supporter for individuals seeking to thrive in today's competitive landscape. By tapping into the power of evolutionary wisdom, I aim to empower you with tools and knowledge that can help you to navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and harness your innate leadership qualities to reach your goals.

Together, we will embark on a transformative partnership that will also foster personal growth and fulfilment.

Whether you are a seasoned business leader looking to drive innovation or a creative entrepreneur seeking to carve your path to success, my mission as a strategic enlightenment advisor is to accompany you on a journey of self-discovery and strategic growth.

Let us unlock the hidden potentials within you and chart a course towards a future where your creative aspirations become reality!


I know what it takes to stay on the path of entrepreneurship.

I have been on this path in one way or another for close to 30 years. 

I've been an entrepreneur in the field of custom cabinetry, real estate, commercial photography, functional wellness, and now wisdom catalyst.

All of it has lead me here- to the most essential passion of all those mountains climbed and valleys endured- the deep belief that business and entrepreneurship are paths of transformation, freedom, and massive creative impact in the world, and that my greatest calling is to support those on this path so that the world may receive their full transformational gifts. For that mission, I believe there is no more powerful tool than the Gene Keys wisdom system as a key driver of activation and evolution. 

If you are reading this you are most likely a conscious entrepreneur or business leader who is called to this work- a sacred mission of manifestation in this earthly realm. I believe the most important key to your success (and therefore your contribution and impact) is to cultivate deep self knowledge, certitude, and clarity about your mission. 

Only then will you open up the portal to infinite supplies of passion and energy that will carry you through the toughest storm and the bleakest moments, so that you may reach the full realization of your dream and calling. This is exactly what I do in my 1:1 sessions as well as the Radiant Creators Leadership Program, working with the Gene Keys wisdom and other tools specifically designed for the needs of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

I look forward to serving you! 

I’d love to help you find your new path. See how you can work with me to discover how to live with light. 



  • Focus

    I will bring my full attention to understanding your most immediate as well as long term creative and business desires so we can hone in on engaging the obstacles and building your ultimate vision, bringing great focus to our efforts for maximum impact.

  • Reflect

    Next, we will integrate the powerful wisdom systems of the Gene Keys to activate a new level of self knowledge and inner authority. By bringing clarity to your mission, you galvanize new passion and energy in your life and work, resulting in expanded leadership and action.

  • Refine

    As we weave together the conceptual with the practical, the insights gained unlock untapped potential that manifests in new growth, new clients, and fresh energy. Most of all, this work brings you joy and gratitude as you create your highest vision.